Dynamic Content Gallery v3.3.2 released

Dynamic Content Gallery screenshot
Version 3.3.2 fixes a couple of bugs that affected Multisite users, and a minor CSS error with mootools.

I’ve also taken this opportunity to add a little new feature – an option to disable the gallery’s left and right navigation arrows. Some users prefer the DCG “arrowless” and this new option saves such users from having to edit the underlying javascript code.

Incidentally, this option applies to both the Mootools and jQuery scripts. I hope users find this new functionality useful.

Version 3.3.2 Information

Download latest version from the Dynamic Content Gallery page on WordPress.org.


  • Requires WordPress version: 3.0
  • Tested up to WordPress version: 3.0.1


  • Released: 21 September 2010
  • Feature: Added showArrows checkbox for mootools and jQuery, navigation arrows now optional from within Settings
  • Bug fix: Fixed URL error to loading-bar-black.gif
  • Bug fix: Fixed Slide Pane options errors / hidden fields in dfcg-admin-ui-functions.php

And finally…

Many thanks once again to those users who posted useful feedback on the support forum and helped me track down these issues in such a short time frame. Thanks! :-)


  1. Just upgraded to 3.3.2 a moment ago, it gallery doesn’t show on Firefox or Chrome.
    Error stated is as follows:

    jQuery("#dfcg-slideshow").smoothSlideshow("#dfcg-wrapper", {
    showArrows: ,

    Works on Safari normally, not tested on IE or any other browsers.

    WP Version: 3.01

    Browser Versions:
    – Firefox – 3.68
    – Chrome – 6.0.472.62
    – Safari – 5.0.2 (6533.18.5)

    This is a critical error. Please get it fixed!

    Forum Link: http://www.studiograsshopper.ch/forum/dynamic-content-gallery/3-3-2-cant-be-displayed-on-firefox-or-chrome/

  2. Comments are closed.

    Please use the Support forum for any DCG support questions.
